Sneak peeks, exclusive short stories, faith-filled encouragement, & more!

Saraina Whitney's Author Newsletter

If you're here, I'm guessing you're a bit like me.

A daydreamer and bibliophile with an unquenchable imagination. Hungry, now and then, for a jolt of motivation to kickstart progress on your WIP. Eager to refresh your soul and embolden your faith in God. Curious to try out unique, practical writing tips that may enrich your writing.

And unlike me, I'm guessing that smug grin on your face reveals that you're more than ready to hear all the struggles and flops of my writing journey. I mean, the victories, of course. *nervous laugh* There are lots of those around here.

If any of this applies to you, then m'dear, this newsletter is meant for you. Welcome, Almost Newsletter Subscriber! Each month (or thereabouts) you'll find any or all of the following...

  • Giveaways (because they're always the best, right?)
  • Sneak peeks of my WIPs (works in progress)
  • Motivation and inspiration for your writing journey
  • Short stories just for you
  • & more exclusive stuff for you, only found in the newsletter!

Subscribe and get exclusive freebies, including Dear Writer: 3 Ingredients You Need for an Irresistible Romance!

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